What is Critical Thinking

What is Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking is the process of analyzing information and arguments in a systematic, objective, and logical manner. It involves questioning assumptions, evaluating evidence, and considering alternative perspectives to arrive at well-reasoned conclusions or decisions.

Critical thinking requires an open-minded approach that considers different viewpoints and avoids bias or prejudice. It involves asking questions, identifying and evaluating evidence, and making informed judgments based on reason and evidence.

Critical thinking is essential in many aspects of life, including education, professional settings, and personal decision-making. It can help people to better understand complex issues, identify and avoid common logical fallacies, and make more informed decisions based on evidence and reason.

A higher-order thinking skill    

Characteristics of critical thinking...

    Active Listening

A communication skill called active listening is paying close attention to and interpreting the speaker's message. To fully comprehend what is being said, it's important to pay attention to both verbal and nonverbal signs including the speaker's tone of voice, body language, and facial expressions.


Humans have an inherent drive to explore and discover more about the world around them. It's a way of thinking that encourages curiosity, open-mindedness, and the pursuit of novel insights and experiences. Wonder, interest, and a desire to comprehend and make sense of the universe are the driving forces behind curiosity.


The capacity to regulate one's own behavior, ideas, and emotions in order to accomplish particular objectives or results is referred to as self-discipline. It entails the capacity to withstand urges and detours, persevere through challenges, and keep one's attention on and dedicated to a job or aim.


A modest and unassuming attitude toward oneself, along with a readiness to own one's shortcomings, errors, and defects, defines humility as a personal attribute. A humble person acknowledges that they are not infallible and does not think of themselves as better than others. Instead, they are receptive to learning from others and actively seeking criticism in order to develop.

Why is critical thinking important to us?

A systematic and logical approach to information analysis and argument evaluation is known as critical thinking. It requires the capacity to recognize presumptions, assess the facts, and reach logical conclusions. Some advantages of critical thinking include the following:

Improved decision-making: Critical thinking allows us to make informed and well-reasoned decisions by weighing the pros and cons of different options and considering the potential outcomes.
Better problem-solving: Critical thinking helps us to identify the root causes of problems and develop effective solutions by examining different perspectives and considering alternative approaches.

Increased creativity: Critical thinking encourages us to challenge assumptions and think outside the box, which can lead to new and innovative ideas.
Enhanced communication skills: Critical thinking enables us to express our ideas clearly and persuasively, while also being able to listen to and evaluate the ideas of others.
Increased self-awareness: Critical thinking helps us to recognize and overcome our own biases and assumptions, which can lead to greater self-awareness and personal growth.


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